
Wednesday, 10 February 2016


I woke at around 4.00 this morning and just couldn't get back to sleep, but was really surprised and happy to hear birds singing.

One of the things I really love about Spring is the dawn chorus.  We have a fairly high hedge in the lane next to the house and the birds can sing quite loudly there as the weather improves.  I love it, a real feeling of good things to come.

Later, when I popped outside the sun was shining really brightly, the air felt just a little different, and looking out of the front window a red kite was circling - just beautiful against the really blue sky.  

We are lucky to see a lot of red kites here - they were reintroduced fairly locally some years ago and the numbers grow - they look so lazy making their circles and their cries are magical - and then they spot food and come down with terrific force.  A year or two ago, one came down to scoop up a dead vole in the lane - the noise and the sheer size of the bird were incredible.

And so, I decided, today would be my first day of the year of line drying outside - always such a pleasure.  I find washing drying on the line so homely, it smells so much better for a blow in the fresh air, and it is slightly easier to iron, I find.

I must just say here that I am no expert with photography by any means - I just point and shoot with my little camera - although I have just learnt how to crop pics and so am really feeling quite good.

The forecast is for unsettled again later in the week, but in the meantime - a good day.

Bye for now,


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